2nd Order Band Pass Filter


    Q.1     What is the function of the filter?
    A)    Filtering either one frequency or range of frequencies
    B)    Increasing the frequency and amplitude
    C)    Decreasing the frequency and amplitude
    D)    None of these

    Ans :     (A)

    Q.2    Band Pass Circuit is designed with the help of __________ filters?
    A)   Low Pass and High Pass
    B)   Low Pass and Low Pass
    C)   High Pass and High Pass
    D)   None of these
    Ans :     (A)

    Q.3    If fl = 1 / 2 π R1 C1 and fh = 1 / 2 π R2 C2, then the Center frequency of Band Pass Filter is ?
    A)   f = √ fl . fh
    B)   f = fl . fh
    C)   f = fl / fh
    D)   f = fl - fh
    Ans :     (A)

    Q.4    Function of Band Pass Filter is ?
    A)   Passes of Intermediate frequency of Low and High Pass Filters
    B)   Addition of low cut-off and High cut-off Frequency of high and pass frequency respectively
    C)   Subtracting of low cut-off and High cut-off Frequency of high and pass frequency respectively
    D)   None
    Ans :     (A)

    Q.5    BODE Plot is a graph plotting of?
    A)   Amplitude or phase on X-axis and Frequency on Y-axis
    B)   Amplitude or phase on Y-axis and Frequency on X-axis
    C)   Both
    D)   None
    Ans :     (B)

    Q.6    For making the Band Pass Filter, High Pass Filter _____and Low Pass Filter____?
    A)   Preceded , followed
    B)   Followed, Preceded
    C)   Both
    D)   None
    Ans :     (B)